It is very early on Christmas morning and I can't sleep. Not because it's Christmas day, a day of high child-like anticipation for many, or because I have things to get done. All of my Christmas preparations have been done for quite some time. It's because I am in my ninth month of pregnancy and have finally hit the "uncomfortable" stage that many women can relate to. My night-times now consist of incessant trips to the bathroom, being too hot, being too cold, persistent heartburn, and a constant stiffness of my body. Any time I get out of bed, there's a heaviness in my lower abdomen as the baby weighs me down. As the baby gets stronger its movements are becoming more hurtful. It can really pack a wallop to my innards...thankfully for only a moment. But oh boy, does it feel like someone is punching me in the guts. I'm regulated to three sleeping positions...on my left side, on my right side, and sitting up when I get really desperate. I obviously can't sleep on my stomach because it squishes the baby and it pretty much physically impossible. I can't sleep on my back because the weight of the baby pushing down on my internal organs is too heavy. So I flop back and forth, from side to side like a fish. My hips, arms, and even ears, often get sore. My hands fall asleep within 2.2 seconds and tingle most of the night. Being nine months pregnant just isn't conducive to a good night's sleep. It's all in preparation for the sleepless nights ahead for the next several months. But I wouldn't trade it for anything because the reward when all is said and done is so precious...a child who will call me Mom. And if having that means losing sleep, I will gladly be dog tired for a short time in my life.
There is one thing in this pregnancy that I did not anticipate. And that has been the magical wonder of being nine months pregnant during the Christmas season. This has been a Christmas like none other for me. It puts the story of Christ's birth in a new light for me. I have heard the story of Christ's birth over and over and over and over again since I was a baby myself. Most people in America who celebrate Christmas know the "supporting cast" of characters surrounding the birth of Jesus. We see it acted out in church programs, we read about them in the book of Matthew and Luke, we sing about them in Christmas carols. We have Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph. And we have angles, King Herod, an inn keeper, shepherds, and a few wise man (sometimes referred to as Magi). But before all of that - before Joseph and Mary started making their way from Nazareth to Galilee, there were a couple of other people who are part of Jesus' story that have made an impact on me this Christmas; Elizabeth and Zechariah.
Even though it is Mary who is the pregnant woman we know the most about, it is Elizabeth's part in this wondrous story that has spoken to my heart over and over during my entire pregnancy. Elizabeth was a relative to Mary. Cousin? Aunt? Other relation? We don't know. But we know that the two women are related because the angel, Gabriel, says so. Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was going to have a child in her old age (Luke 1:36). So Mary hustled on over to Elizabeth's house to see her. And the first words from Elizabeth are to Mary and they are loud! "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!" (Luke 1:42-45)
Why can I relate to Elizabeth so much? I'm not sure, but I have loved her part in the story this year. She was about six months pregnant with her child, John the Baptist, when Mary came to see her. And she had nothing but enthusiasm when she saw Mary. She was anticipating not only her first child which caused her great joy, but she was also excited for Mary. Lots of excitement coming from this woman. I guess I'm kind of like that much of the time. I easily get excited over things - big and small. I often have great joy when other people have wonderful, life-changing news. My heart delights in the triumphs and successes of those I care about.
She was also carrying her own little miracle. We don't know how old Elizabeth was, but we know she had been barren and was "well along in years." I'm not exactly past my "child bearing years" but I was looking at the majority of them in the rear-view mirror. In fact, the day after I found out I was pregnant I had a doctor's appointment to begin the discussion of infertility treatments. Instead, we got to use that appointment to confirm that I was indeed pregnant. It was our own little miraculous slice of timing from God that we didn't know we would get to experience but that we treasure so much.
And finally, part of Elizabeth's story that speaks to me this year is when she says, "As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." I have thought of that scripture many times throughout my entire pregnancy, once I could feel the baby move. Most of the baby's movements feel like it's "leaping" for joy. I've jokingly thought, "This baby must be privy to a lot of good news, because it often feels like it is leaping for joy!" I just love that feeling of my baby moving around. And I always imagine it is moving out of joy - not because it needs more wiggle room or its body is involuntarily moving because of reflexes. I know I have a joyous baby brewing inside of me! I just know it!
This is our last Christmas as a "twosome." Next year we'll have a child perhaps on the verge of walking...definitely a mobile child! One who will experience Christmas for the first time and not understand what is going on. So, I treasure these last few days of just me and my husband. We are bursting with excitement to be parents and get thrown into chaos, frustration, joy, and intense love...all of the the things that come with parenthood. We recognize these days are the calm before the storm and we are relishing them. It truly has been a magical Christmas for us this year!